Updated October 6th, 2021
Warman Competitive Co-ed Volleyball League – Regular Season Rules (subject to change)
-Game Rules
- All games follow Volleyball Canada rules
- However, keep in mind that we are a social league before a competitive one, therefore if you have any concerns about rules prior to playing, please talk to the opposing team (i.e. two-touching and carries may not be enforced to the same extreme as other rules)
- First games start at 8:00pm sharp and the rest continue once the previous game is over (ideally 8:40pm and 9:20pm)
- MOing teams are expected to keep playing teams on time
- All teams, including MOing teams, must be on the courts by 8:00pm
- Games are capped at 32 points
- Games will be played in two sets with no third set option
- Each team is guaranteed to play two games and MO one game each night
- Two girls must be on the court at all times during the regular season
- *If three girls are present at a game, all three must play*
- During playoffs, three girls must be on the court at all times
- If playing with five players, both teams must come to a decision
- Play normally, OR
- Take a loss of point every “would-be” sixth server
-Team Responsibilities
- On the day of the event, ALL players attending must read through the Covid-19 waiver on TeamLinkt and respond accordingly
- This must be done for EACH event for the night
- It is the captain’s responsibility to go back and double check that their entire team has responded appropriately
- If you are showing signs of illness, have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, or you yourself have tested positive for Covid-19, you are not eligible to play
- Masks must be worn at all times in Legends Centre, including during game play
- If you refuse to wear a mask, you may be asked to leave
- Net set up and take down must be a shared responsibility between teams on the court
- Nets can be left outside of the appropriate storage room for Legends staff to disinfect.
- Teams unable to play are responsible for contacting the teams they were scheduled to play
- Balls are provided to each team for warm-up and gameplay. These can be found in a basket between the green and blue gyms
- Scorecards are provided to each court and can be found in the ball basket
- It is each team’s responsibility to wipe down any balls used between games and at the end of the night
- Each team must grab a spray bottle, rag, and hand sanitizer for their court
- Any garbage or spilled water must be cleaned up prior to leaving
- Any chairs or tables used must be disinfected and put away prior to leaving
- Teams scheduled to MO must provide two linesman and at least one scorekeeper to their scheduled court
- Last games must be completed by 10:00pm, if not, the score at 10:00pm will be the final score
- Scorecards must be disinfected each night after games and placed in the ball bucket
- Scores must be entered by the winning team each night in TeamLinkt
- This can only be completed once the event is done
- You will be entering sets won/lost rather than exact scores
- For up to date information on Covid-19 restrictions, follow this link